Friday, January 15, 2010

Legislative Effects on Childrearing

We have now survived two weeks of the legislative session in our household, which may not seem to be a big deal to most, but is to us. G, being a small part of the legislative machine, now departs early, early in the mornings which leaves me to get Em up, dressed, to school, me to work, me to pick her up, me to care for crazy bird dog while simultaneously suppressing desires to turn him loose while simultaneously cooking dinner all before my loyal and talented co-parent is released back into the wild and is able to assist me again. I will admit that there have been a few moments that brought tears to my eyes, but all in all it has gone pretty well. I like having the extra time with Emmy in the mornings, so that is a nice bonus, and she has been such a kind and pleasant baby of late. It sure does make my job easier, but she still fights me every morning when I put her coat and hat on! She hates it! Yesterday, I was able to make this process pain free by singing to her, but today that did not work at all. I need a better distraction or at least some better songs.

Hey, does anyone remember that educational cartoon from way back with the song "I'm just a bill, up on Capitol Hill..?" It gets stuck in my head all the time whenever G is talking about his work. Maybe I should sing that one to Emmy next time we are putting on our coats!

1 comment:

  1. I have the VHS tapes, but I think you could now get them on DVD...LOL. Schoolhouse Rock(SHR) totally rocked!

    Solomon Jr and I would have concerts (We, also, had news shows that would have made Tony Turner "God Rest his soul" blush. Sometimes, we'd let Karen participate, too. We always made Karen do the weather for some odd reason.

    Back to SHR, I was more, "Conjunction-junction What's your function?" and Solomon Jr was more, "Lolly, Lolly, Lolly get your adverbs here!". Those were the days. Thanks for the memories this morning!
