Monday, November 15, 2010

Baby Mama Photo Dramas!

Okay, so I realize that it has been 4 months since I've blogged. I am a delinquent blogger! The summer just kept getting busier. We traveled to Florida twice, New Orleans, St. Louis, and Maine this summer. We also renovated our kitchen, painted the outside of house and did some other home improvements. It was kind of crazy to say the least! Then the fall has been even busier, but fortunately with lots of fun fall events. This summer was hot and sunny every day, and the fall was warm and bright as well. We have had the best weather, and lots of fun times to enjoy it. Winter is arriving fast, however, so I should have more time to blog. While I have been terrible at finding time to write, I have kept up with taking pictures. For the next little while, I am going to try to do more photoblogging and see how that goes. Here is our weekend in pictures! Emmy went to her first UK footbal game (Go Hats!), we did some bike riding, painted and played with lots of play-do. This was our first weekend spent mostly around the house in a while and we really enjoyed it!