Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Emerson, Pearl Jam & Nirvana

As I have mentioned before, we are serious Sirious satellite radio jammers in our house. Em seems to love music as much as we do. G and I thought we were majoring in music with a minor in slacking in college, which is why we collectively saw a half-million concerts but took 80 years to graduate. I hope Em doesn't love music quite that much, but actually... on second thought I think I do. As long as she eventually leads a productive life, that is.

Our music listening has been making me feel a little old of late. Em and I had an awesome, leisurely breakfast and morning together because today was a snow day for the local school district. This means our daycare is on a delay, therefore, Mommy is on a delay to stay home with our homegirl. So we took our time eating breakfast, turned the music up and jammed out. Good times all around! I love these moments, and I remember them when I am super tired and the runaround business that is life leaves me exhausted. Ah, so sweet! Then the Pearl Jam tune Santa Cruz came on. I love this song but seriously how old are we that Eddie Vedder is now waxing poetic about having kids and remembering being 17??? Even sadder that I can totally relate. Are we officially middle-aged? Who cares. Too tired to get wrapped up in the "I'm so old" self-pity party. I laughed out loud this morning when I remembered that the theme song for my senior prom was Pearl Jam's Alive. Isn't that funny? Good song but what about that song says prom? Maybe we should have picked Jeremy instead. At least it has a school oriented theme.

Another old-school music moment happened on Friday. G and I were looking through some old cd's (remember those? precursor to mp-3 files? round, shiny...), and we found Nirvana's Nevermind. Em got to rock it out to some grunge-masters who never grew old, well at least Kurt Cobain didn't. She seemed to like it for a while, though after a few songs she began to take on this surly, semi-depressed attitude and when she asked for a flannel shirt and some dirty sneakers we thought we better turn it off.

Well, we finished off our morning by jamming out to the Replacements. Em seemed to dig this, too. All in all, I think she has pretty good taste in music, but I'm reserving judgment until she is in high school.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like I will have to get out my big band, folk rock, bluegrass & the Mavericks cd's so she can rock at our house too. Remember how Katie loved to spin to the Mavericks? Every day is going to be a wonderful treat . . . just wish I was there to see more of it. Kiss her for me.
