Friday, November 20, 2009

Random Things

Vacuumed the rug with a baby on my hip last night. This was a first because until now, Em screamed bloody murder at the sound of a vacuum. She, like I, hates to do housework, but she was fine with it last night. I felt so domestic...

I love that song Beautiful Boy by John Lennon. Always have, even before I had a child of my own. We were listening to it last night while playing and I re-realized how much I love it. Not only is it a sweet song of a parent's love and hopes for his child, but such a tender moment of love expressed by a daddy. John Lennon was quite the renaissance man. Men still don't openly express such love for their children all that often in our culture, but this song came 20 years ago or so. It is such a shame he is gone.

So I took Em to the museum to see the new photography exhibit the other night, but there was a board meeting going on in that room. The new, main exhibit right now is The American West. I'm not so much into this one, but Em loved the Native American headdresses. They really are cool. She also liked some of the jewelry and apparel. I was on campus the other day and saw a young, hippy-ish fellow who was wearing moccasins. Reminded me of my moccasin phase (yes, I had a moccasin phase, unfortunate though it was...). I hesitated to show the American West exhibit to Emmy because I had flashes of how this might inspire some future, disastrous fashion moments for her as well. I really empathized with the Native American plight when I was about 17-18 or so (Mom, I know you remember this! Reference college dorm room decor circa 1993). I still do have empathy for Native Americans, of course, but there was something about the whole situation that really resonated with my teenage angst. Mmm mmm mmm. What will it be when Em is full of angst, energy and bold albeit strange fashion sensibilities? As Lennon said, "I can hardly wait to see you come of age!"

One last thing... Upon viewing the permanent collection at the UK Art Museum, Em and I were pleasantly surprised to see that they have an Alexander Calder mobile (The Star). I have no idea how we have missed this before other than I am sad to say that perhaps we failed to look up???? Anyway, it is magnificent and our cool, art student-docent du jour set it into motion for us. Em was mesmerized, as was I. There is also a beautiful sound sculpture right below, which we had noticed before but had never heard as it is clearly labeled "do not touch" and we can be rule-followers at times. The docent also set this into motion for us and we loved it. Check these out if you can!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my word, I was having a baby when you were in college(1993)...LOL. I feel soooo old now. Is the Calder mobile there all the time or is it "visiting"?
