Friday, October 2, 2009

Our Little Goldfish

Emmy love, loved swim class. We had so much fun that I cannot wait to take her back next week! I wish I had pictures. G should be able to stop by on his way home from work next time, so perhaps he can be our sports photographer. She had no fear, kicked and used her arms like Michael Phelps, jumped in and out of the pool like a cliff diver, and splashed herself silly! At one point, I took a pool toy away from her that she was trying to put in her mouth (of course), and she stuck her head under the water to go find it. Didn't seem to bother her one bit! This kid is so much fun...

So, last night G and I took our first trip out of town (though just for the evening), and left Emmy behind at Granny and Papa's. By all accounts, she did great and seemed delighted to be there. She couldn't quit smiling at Granny and Papa, even when I woke her up in the middle of the night to take her home. Too sweet!

Another major first will occur this weekend. I will be home alone with the baby all weekend while G is out of town kayaking. I must be ready for this now because I'm not even anxious about it. When he suggested going out of town in June and leaving me to be a single parent for one night, I nearly had a panic attack. All good things come in time. Now I actually feel sorry for G that he will miss her all weekend. I know he will (and she will miss him, too!), but he will have a great time. He really deserves it. I know some great daddies out there (my own dad, my brother, many friends), but I have to say that G is definitely one of the best! He does it all, never complains and he shows Em so much love. She adores him. So do I. But cheers to our first girls weekend! Keep your fingers crossed for us, and I'll let you know how it goes...

1 comment:

  1. We were lucky to have two of the best dads in the world, and I think G and Pru are right there with them. I love daddies that are so involved with their kids! I also love that BG is a regular fish- she'll be ready for Ft. Walton when we take her for the first time!
