Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Cute on Babies

Okay, so it has to be said that there are some things that are simply adorable on babies that would otherwise be unsightly or simply obnoxious when displayed by adults. Of course, it helps if it is something involving your baby, and you think everything they do is cute and precious. I think Em's every little movement, gesture, expression, smell (Seriously! Well, not all smells...)etc. is wonderful and entertaining. I guess I am a wee bit enamored of her! So here are the top 5 cutest little things about her that even I recognize are only cute because she is a baby.

1. Her Buddha belly- I love it! The fatter the better, I say! It is so big some days that you would think she just downed a six pack and a bowl of beer nuts. But I promise that the only bottles she is hitting hard have milk in them!
2. Her "thunder thighs," as our friend, Norma calls them- They are huge and have several rolls of fat. They are so cute that I can't help but pinch them every time I get the chance!
3. Her first, full-fledged scream- This occurred for the first time this morning as her father and I were attempting to suction her stuffy nose. She did not like this one darn bit, and she let us know with a seriously loud scream. Sounded like an angry 7 year old was in the room! We laughed at her, which probably psychologically damaged her in some way but it was just so cute!
4. Her thinning hair- Many middle aged men would disagree that there is anything adorable or humorous about hair loss, but I love Em's little bald head! She was born with a head full of thick, black hair, but now she is going bald (or "going egg head,"as G so sensitively puts it) everywhere except for a ring of hair on the back of her neck. Looks like she has a mullet, or as our friends Aimee and Joey more aptly named it a "skullet."
5. Her tooties- Okay! Okay! I know this one is sick, but I don't really think they're cute, I just think they are funny. Sometimes you would swear a drunken sailor is in the room, and that there is no way a tiny little girl could unleash something like that. Em will be mortified by stories of her epic tooties when she brings home her first date!

Well, that is the whole list, for now anyway. I'm sure it will grow as she grows, and we'll find new things to love about this little person every step of the way.

1 comment:

  1. I love the smell of baby...LOL. Lately, I've tried staying away from ALL of them b/c I want another one...well, today I do, but I am so old and really want to go to med school. I must decide shortly, though. hehehe
