Tuesday, August 4, 2009


I can't believe I am actually blogging! I swear I am much more likely to be clogging than to be doing something as high tech, new millenium as blogging! My husband and I just got the internet hooked up this very weekend after a 2 year hiatus, and let me tell you a whole new world was created during this time! You may be thinking, "Welcome to the 90's!" and you are right, I am out of touch. Anyway, it's good to be back, and I think blogging is one of the cooler developments of recent times and I intend to make good use of it. So in my years off the grid, one very important thing happened to me- I became a mom! My husband/homeboy, G, and I recently had a beautiful baby girl, whom I shall refer to as Emmy, Emerson, Baby Girl, BG, Bear, Teddybear, Ladybug, Boo, Monkey, Ducky, the list goes on & on! As most parents know, creating nicknames for your baby is an entertaining and nonsensical process. G and I love it, though not nearly as much as we love creating songs in her honor (that girl of ours is rather inspirational!). My husband is the master of this activity, though I have to say I can hold my own in the goofy song department. It is these activities exactly that motivate me to create this blog. Some dear family and friends may choose to read this or perhaps no one will, but I wanted to create this blog to record memories both for us and for our sweet girl. I have been writing in journals (with paper and pen- can you imagine!), but I have decided to take advantage of some modern conveniences in my journey through parenthood and this is one of them. Stay tuned! Things happen fast in baby world...

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