Thursday, September 17, 2009

Moving and Shaking

"For the first six months or so, your opponent has been unable to escape. Alas, the rules are about to change drastically... The enemy is now mobile." Peter Mayle

Oh my goodness! Just when I thought I had a handle on things, BG has become another creature entirely and the rules have certainly changed. She had lulled me into a sense of calm over the past few months of sitting, rocking, and putting her in her swing or bouncy seat when I needed to do something. Forget all of that! Those activities are long gone. Now we are busy, busy, busy! We play, we walk, she rolls, she writhes, she screams, and I just try to keep up. Today, I changed a diaper upside down for the first time. Every time I lay her down to change her diaper anymore, she immediately rolls onto her tummy. So I had no choice but to change the diaper with her in "tummy time." She is wild! She is also even more fun than I ever imagined. BG is much more interactive, and strong and into physical play. She loves, strangely enough, for us to swing her in the air and pretend we are going to throw her out into the street like a little orphan child. Twisted, I know, but she loves it. She has also gotten so smart. BG has begun imitating me (Lord, help us all!). If I snap my fingers, she tries to snap her little fingers. If I dance, then she dances. It is too precious! Guess I better start watching how I act and what I say. Little eyes are watching! I need to start inventing some alternative curse words....

1 comment:

  1. Dear SweetRetroMom! Thank you for sharing your baby with us. It never ceases to move my old hardened heart to cleansing tears. I love you so much and I am just as proud of you. Your Mom.
